Saturday, August 17, 2013

The adventure begins!

On Tuesday, August 13th, our France adventure began.  We flew out of Edmonton at 10:30 pm, had an 8 hour flight to London, a 1.5 hour flight to Zurich, and a 1 hour flight to Nice, France.  Daryl was a trooper as he loaded himself up between each flight with 6 backpacks, 2 small suitcases, a camera bag, a computer bag, and 4 ever so special stuffies.  My job was to ensure that our children made the transfers.  Despite the tiredness, everyone did quite well.  Marcus rolled off the seat on the 'sleeping' flight, so spent the remainder of the long flight sleeping on the floor between the seats.  Poor Marcus.  The kids all enjoyed the Swiss chocolate on the flights.  Upon arrival to Nice, we were very happy to see our courier, Martin, with a sign in his hands that said BLOUIN.  We piled into his van, and made the 30 minute drive to our new home away from home in La Colle sur Loup.  As we pulled up to the bottom of the driveway at the bottom of the 'hill' (which I am sure you will hear a lot more about), the kids said our new home looked haunted. Once inside, they very quickly ran to find their rooms that we had spoke of.  So, after a very long day, we had our first sleep in France.

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