Thursday, August 22, 2013

Marcus is making progress!

Marcus is a trooper.  For a little guy who doesn't get any special 'dates' , he does quite well.  From day one he slept like there was no such thing as jet lag, drank the french, non-refrigerated milk like it was 2% from home, and carried the first baguette into the house like it was nobody's business.  Today, he climbed the 'hill' up the driveway without one request for 'uppie', and when asked '"Est-ce que tu veut du pizza?" at lunch time, he answered "Oui."  His very first indication of french apprehension!  We are so proud of him.  Though he has his moments like every other 2 year old, he is a trooper through and through :o)  Plus, did I mention that he minimizes the laundry for his momma, as all he wants to wear is diapers :o)

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