Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mathieu and Lindsay date in Saint-Paul de Vence

After our family bus trip to the mall, we learned that it may be a better idea to take the kids out on some one on one dates.  So......yesterday Mathieu and I had our first date.  We went to the town of Saint-Paul de Vence, which is a 5 minute bus ride up from our house.  It is a fortified hill town, which has been around since the 15th century.  You can see the Mediterranean, as well as the Alpes from the town.  It is truly, truly beautiful, and by far my favourite place so far.  Apparently Mathieu is convinced that Saint-Paul is on the game Minecraft.  I learned this when I took him to the old cemetery in the village (where the sun was shining pretty bright).  We had only been inside for a minute and he said "Mom, let's get out of here.  I am dying".  I asked what he was talking about, and he said "Zombies die in the light on Minecraft, and it's like I'm a zombie."  Wow....I really didn't know where this was coming from, until when we got home I told the story to Daryl, and he told me that Mathieu is convinced that Saint-Paul is  on Minecraft.  We can see Saint-Paul from our window at home, so I guess Mathieu had been thinking this since the first time he saw it from the window at home.  I think that Mathieu is forever going to keep me thinking and  on my toes :o)  After our visit to the cemetery, we went on to visit the candy store (M liked the free samples of biscuit and nougat very much), the souvenir shops (M also loved, especially when we found personalized souvenirs that had his name spelled correctly, as we never find this in Canada), and had some 'glace' (ice-cream) and fries underneith the old cannon (where M decided we should snack).  After 2 hours, M was getting tired, and wanted a piggy-back ride.......which was actually doable this time, since we were on a one on one date :o)  It was a great couple of hours with my special big guy.

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