Monday, June 9, 2014

Nimes and the Pont du Gard

We finally made it out on a day trip that we have wanted to take since we arrived.  We headed out to Nimes and the Pont du Gard.  One of the most memorable days we have had, as seeing structures that were built almost 2000 years ago is truly amazing!

A visit to the best preserved amphitheatre from the Roman world

Learning about the history of gladiators and ancient Roman games

Kids were surprisingly interested.....

Next stop, the Pont du Gard, which is an aqueduct built in ~ 24 AD to bring water in to Nimes

Family pose under the Pont du Gard

Marcus really wanted to be in our picture with the old olive tree

Background info on the old olive tree, planted in 908.....1106 years ago!

One of the vineyards we passed by on the way home

Stopped at the side of the road to take a picture of three of my favourite things in France.....olive trees, wild poppies, and vineyards :o)

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