Thursday, June 19, 2014

Aunty Shelley arrives!

We welcomed Aunty Shelley (Daryl's sister) for a visit the first week of June.  We visited the Molinard Perfumery in Grasse, tried out the 'Visiobulle' in Juan les Pins, and enjoyed a day in San Remo.  Thanks for the visit Shelley!

Molinard Perfumery, Grasse

Lunch in Grasse

Took a tour of the cap d'Antibes on the 'Visiobulle', Juan les Pins

Checking out under the sea in the Visiobulle

Market in San Remo

Gotta love the pasta and wine in San Remo!

These tiny 3 wheeled trucks were quite common in San Remo

One of the many beaches in San Remo

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