Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas from our home to yours :o)

It is hard to believe that Christmas is here already!  It has really snuck up, as the trigger in our heads for Christmas is snow, which we are without this year. Daryl and the kids are now all finished school, the tree is up, the gifts are under the tree, some Christmas cards from dear friends and family from home have arrived, and our Christmas guests (my brother Patrick and his new wife Kelsey) are arriving tomorrow, it does feel like Christmas :o)  Patrick and Kelsey will be with us until January 1st, and Daryl's dad will be arriving on the 28th and staying until January 14th.  These will be our first guests, and we are all soooooo very excited!  The kids have been busy decorating the guest rooms :o)  We will miss not seeing everyone over the holidays, however we are thinking of you all, and look so very forward to seeing everyone again in the summer.  Sending lots of love, big hugs and 'bizou bizous' to you from our home-away-from home to yours!  Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season!

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