Monday, December 16, 2013

Claire's 4th Birthday

On November 26th, Claire had her 4th birthday.  Hard to believe she is 4!  Big job it is keeping up with the big sister, but she tries very hard and does well :o)  As Stephanie has introduced her to Monster High, a Monster High birthday it was!  We have found a restaurant in Cap 3000 (the one and only mall here) called Melodine that the kids really like, as you can actually get kids meals which come on your own fancy tray, and of course complete with a toy.  So that is where Claire decided she would like to go for lunch.  When the other kids returned to school for the afternoon, Claire stayed with mom for a birthday date, but rather go out anywhere, she chose to stay home and play with her birthday presents.  She and Marcus had a great afternoon playing together, under the rules of the 'little kids' rather than the 'big kids' :o)  She had a party the following weekend and invited her favorite little friend from her class, a little boy named Mahe, and his older sister Oceane, who is in Mathieu's class (also a special friend of Mathieu's).  Daryl and I got some good french practice in during the party, as the mom and dad stayed too.  We need all of the practice we can get :o)

Lunch at Melodine
Blowing out the candles on the 26th!

Claire's cake design for her party - she loves macaroons!

4 years old :o)

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