Thursday, February 13, 2014

Surprise Visitor

A couple of weekends ago the weekend started of to be nothing too special........rain, rain, and more rain, and D busy with school work.  The kids and I settled in to a day at home with a fire and some fimo clay.  D had been a acting a little strangely regarding having to meet a classmate at school to work on a group project, and what time they were supposed to meet.  I kind of stopped paying attention.  Finally, he headed out, and about half an hour later came back home and shouted in the door that he forgot his backpack.  Well......I got up to see him, and to my surprise my very special big sister from Calgary walked around the corner!  Apparently D had to pick her up from the train, but was waiting all morning to hear from her as to what time he needed to pick her up.  This is why he was acting so strange!  Needless to say, the kids and I were all very pleasantly surprised and excited to have such a special visitor.  She was only able to stay for the weekend, as she had to get back to Florence where she was working for the week, but we made the most of it :o)  Thanks for the visit Jenny :o)

Can't help but get a little teary eyed at such a wonderful surprise :o)

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