Thursday, June 19, 2014

Family trip to the Gorges de Verdon and Moustiers - Ste. Marie

Between guests, we took a day trip further up into the mountains (on a very windy mountain road) to the Gorges de Verdon, and the village of Moustiers - Ste. Marie.  As it was incredibly hot that day, we didn't last long in Moustiers, and headed down to Lac de Ste. Croix for a swim.  Absolutely breathtaking surroundings.  One of the favourites for sure!

View of the Gorges de Verdon leading into Lac de Ste. Croix
 (taken from the side of the road)

Beautiful village of Moustiers - Ste. Marie

C and S enjoying the surroundings in Moustiers

Another view of Moustiers

Getting ready for a swim in Lac de Ste. Croix

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