Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Renoir Museum

The Renoir Museum is located in Cagnes-sur-Mer, just outside of Nice.  Renoir settled with his wife and three sons in the Domaine des Collettes, where he built his home in 1908.  This is the home where Renoir lived until the end of his life in 1919.  He was 78 years old.  The home is on a large piece of land in the middle of Cagnes-sur-Mer, and full of olive trees that are over 5 centuries old.  These trees are truly amazing!  Daryl, Marcus, and I made a visit one day when the kids were back at school.  I loovved it!  It was so amazing to see the views that inspired him.  I enjoyed the museum so much that we returned the following week with Stephanie, Claire, and Iris .  It was so much fun walking through with S and C, as their interest in art has increased a great deal since our arrival in France.  Here are a few photos of our visits!

Renoir's home (the museum)

View from front porch of the museum

Marcus dancing in Renoir's kitchen

Stephie and Claire in Renoir's home studio (even his wheelchair and palette were there)

S and C and I on Renoir's bedroom balcony

Daryl and Marcus in the Domaine des Collettes (the 'yard' of the house)

amazing olive trees in the 'yard'

posing in the 'yard'

girls posing in one of the olive trees

Love this one!  It is the view captured in this Renoir painting.

C teasing S with an orange (as S does not care for oranges)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sightseeing and bringing in the New Year with special guests!

Welcoming Grandpa Harvey with big hugs!

Visiting Tourettes sur Loup

Enjoying the view from Tourrettes sur Loup

Learning how to properly open a bottle of real Champagne, from our guest Romin (from Champagne) on New Year's Eve

Enjoying our authentic french New Year's Eve dinner (thanks Delphine :o)

Stephie opening the serpentine at midnight! Pop!

Patrick and Kelsey just leaving.....Paris bound!

Last pose with our special little Christmas tree, before taking it down

Monday, January 13, 2014

Christmas Fun!

Sprinkling the reindeer food on the driveway on Christmas Eve

Cookies, milk, and a letter requiring signature for Santa Claus

Christmas morning

Aunty Kelsey said all she wanted for Christmas from Mathieu was a hug :o)

Marcus giving his gift to Uncle Patrick

Mathieu and Daryl trying out their cross-bows

Claire's favourite present was her Monster High make-up, and she ensured all of the females in the house were well made up for the day

Waiting for our turn on the ferris wheel in Nice on Boxing Day

View of the Christmas village in Nice, from the ferris wheel

Daryl and the kids enjoying the ride in the Christmas ball (does the movie Elf come to mind?!)

Kids checking out the goods at the market in Nice

Our family on the beach in Nice

Daryl found a special treasure from the sea